I am a percussionist, music-lover, chamber musician, teacher, curator, writer, and life-long learner.
I’ve moved most frequent updates to my two newsletters:
Older news below:
It’s been really exciting to see how Andy Bliss, Kerry O’Brien, and everyone at Nief-Norf have developed this organization into a major player in contemporary music. This weekend is their 10th anniversary, and I’m stoked to be featured on their mega marathon, with a new video of Tonia Ko’s Negative Magic, written for my Unsnared Drum project.
Check out the Nief-Norf website for the full marathon lineup!
Five Question Friday
Happy to chat with Josh Gottry with the Percussive Arts Society’s Rhythm Scene in his ongoing Q&A with percussionists across the country. Take a spin through his extensive archives for more mini-interviews.
Had a blast putting together 2 movements of Marc Mellits’ Red with MikeDrop for a recent online performance. The world is full of anger, frustration, and hope these days, and I’ve been struggling to find my place as an ally and advocate. That said, making these videos helped connect people in what I hope was a meaningful way, and I’m hopeful to continue to use music as a way of healing, building community, and and sharing love. Enjoy!
Tight Sweater
New Vid Alert!
Stay at home orders don’t stop New Morse Code and Thomas Kotcheff. We had a blast with the first movement of Marc Mellits’ Tight Sweater (“Exposed Zipper”), tracking from KC, Chicago, and LA. Enjoy!
Percussion Collective Talks Theofanidis
It’s been forever and a half since I updated this space. More news (and reflections on this crazy crazy year) coming.
In the meantime, I had a blast joining the Percussion Collective for a Q&A with Christopher Theofanidis about his killer percussion concerto Drum Circles. I had the chance to play the piece with the Colorado Symphony back in March (pre-COVID days). It’s a magnificent work, full of life, sensitivity, and communicative playing. Chris does a great job talking about the piece, and I tossed out questions along with Matt Keown and Kramer Milan.